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Furusato - or Japanese prefecture stamps

a list of the prefectures

A map of Japan with the 47 Prefectures. The numbers are the official geocodes, according to ISO 3166-2:JP standard.

number larger region   Furusato / prefecture
1 Hokkaido Hokkaido island Hokkaido
2 Tohoku literally east-north-region Aomori
3 Iwate
4 Miyagi
5 Akita
6 Yamagata
7 Fukushima
15 Shin'etsu Chubu region Niigata
20 Nagano
16 Hokuriku Toyama
17 Ishikawa
18 Fukui
21 Tokai Gifu
22 Shizuoka
23 Aichi
24 Mie
8 Kanto   Ibaraki
9 Tochigi
10 Gunma
11 Saitama
12 Chiba
13 Tokyo
14 Kanagawa
19 Yamanashi
25 Kinki also known by the old name Kansai Shiga
26 Kyoto
27 Osaka
28 Hyogo
29 Nara
30 Wakayama
31 Chugoku   Tottori
32 Shimane
33 Okayama
34 Hiroshima
35 Yamaguchi
36 Shikoku literally means "4 countries" Tokushima
37 Kagawa
38 Ehime
39 Kochi
40 Kyushu Kyushu and Okinawa islands Fukuoka
41 Saga
42 Nagasaki
43 Kumamoto
44 Oita
45 Miyazaki
46 Kagoshima
47 Okinawa Okinawa